2023 SYEP Application Form

SYEP 2023 Application
SYEP 2023 Application

About Summer Youth Employment program (SYEP):

You may not have heard of the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) before, but it’s something you should know about if you’re between the ages of 14 and 24 and looking for some extra cash during the summer, then this program is for you. SYEP is the nation’s largest employment program. This program provides employment opportunities to young people, which can be both rewarding and valuable when it comes to start your career and gain skills for your future career perspective. SYEP provides the youngsters the career exploration opportunities along with the gaining skills and earning money during the summer. Here’s everything you need to know about this summer youth employment program (SYEP).

The Summer Youth Employment Program, is a program run through the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) that helps young people get started with their first jobs and learn valuable skills that can help them throughout their careers.

This comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Summer Youth Employment Program, including how it works and what types of jobs you’ll qualify for as well as tips on how to prepare yourself for your first job interview and your first day on the job.

Along with earning money some extra cash, Participants in SYEP get the opportunity to explore their interests and different career paths, develop the various skills and finally get experience that helps in making their career. Also candidates by joining this Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) gain social, civic and leadership skills.

By participating in structured project and work-based opportunities of SYEP, the youth are better prepared for careers of the future. 

SYEP helps young candidates discover careers and make connections through summer employment opportunities. The program provides access to thousands of best summer jobs for youth across USA.

The program is designed to provide work experience for youth in the following sectors: construction, hospitality, information technology, manufacturing, retail, etc.

The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) offers work experience, teaches valuable employment skills, financial literary and provides you with a summer income. SYEP educational activities will enhance your summer experience, allowing you to develop career awareness, understanding of personal money management and work- related social skills.

PLEASE NOTE: that you may only submit one application for SYEP. Selection into SYEP is based on a lottery. Submission of an application does not guarantee that you will be offered a job.

How to view/edit your SYEP application?

Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) 2023 application forms can be filled by clicking on the below mentioned link and also you can check the status of SYEP 2023 Application form.

From this page, you can either login with your login name and password, check the status of your submitted application using your Application ID or continue your application to apply to the SYEP program.

SYEP 2023 Application

How to check the status of your SYEP application?

To check your status please enter your Online Application ID

Application Status

If you have further questions about SYEP, contact Newark Youth One Stop at (973)273-6064

What are the Documents for Younger Youth Ages 14-15 ?

What are the Documents for Older Youth Ages 16-24 (as of 7/5/22)?

The SYEP Participant Application

The complete list of required documents to process your application and to accept a job offer.

List of all SYEP Providers.

What are the major benefits of SYEP Program?

There are various benefits to candidates of participating in SYEP, out of which few of them we have explained below –

  • Career Exploration: The participants get the opportunities of enhancing their skills in their favourite discipline and explore various career options.
  • Project-Based Learning: The candidates learn about career opportunities based on  the project they get involved and can take a decision to make a difference in their communities through these paid project-based activities
  • Work Experiences: The SYEP provides benefits to participants to improve their work readiness skills and explore various career paths through paid summer jobs in a variety of industries.
  • Community Building: This program helps the SYEP participants to become an active citizen at work and in your community.
  • Earn Money: The last but surely not the least ,the SYEP participants get paid along with the other benefits.

What is the Eligibility Criteria to participate in Summer Youth Program (SYEP)?

  • Young people aged between 14 and 24
  • Must be a resident of one of the five NYC boroughs
  • Legally allowed to work in the US

How much does NYC SYEP pay? How much does Summer youth pay 2022 NYC?

Participants will earn the New York State minimum wage of $15.00 an hour and may work up to 25 hours per week for six weeks in July and August.

How SYEP participants get paid?

Participants are paid weekly with a debit card or with Direct Deposit to a bank account of their choice.

What is the Summer Youth Employment program (SYEP) participant site?