Almost 90% Candidates are rejected because of CV quality

How to prepare an eye catching CV

Almost 90% Candidates are rejected because of CV… Thats right, you have read it correctly, we will explain this in this article.

There are 6 important steps to get your dream job.

  1. Prepare your CV (Curriculum Vitae) or Resume
  2. Apply for a job through various job portals or through a reference
  3. Prepare for the interview
  4. Get the job Interview call
  5. Appear in the Interview
  6. After the interview

We will discuss these 6 steps here one by one. Today, in this article we will discuss about how to prepare your best CV.

Preparing your best CV is the first step in your journey of getting a job. Candidates spend days, weeks or even months in preparing their CV, but you will be surprized to know that according to a research, the recruiter/interviewer look at a CV for upto 6 seconds on an average.

That sounds weird, but thats true.

90% CVs rejected before interview stage

During my 20 years of experience in private job industry, I would have gone through thousands and thousands of CVs and would have interviewed thousands of candidates. I have seen most of the candidates prepare their CV in a simple word format.

For a particular job post, recruiters receive on an average 250-300 CVs, now imagine you are the recruiter/interviewer and you need to select one candidate from these 250. First of all you will shortlist the best CVs (almost 10 to 15) for interview round because you cannot interview all 250 candidates for only 1 job post.

Now you see more than 90% candidates are rejected by recruiter just having a glance over the CV for few seconds.

So, the question is how can you capture recruiter’s attention in a matter of seconds? That is what we are going to explain here.

One has to prepare an eye catching CV or Resume. we will discuss about the difference between CV and Resume in another article but for now you can just assume the two are similar.

Most CVs include the following details-

  • Your name
  • Contact information
  • Your Education qualification
  • Your Skills
  • Work Experience
  • Your hobbies

But the above mentioned details should be at specific place and in such a CV format that the crafted CV comes out to be an eye catching CV.

Generally what most candidates do, they just take their friend’s CV, replace few details with their own and they are done with their CV, or they just open a new word file and start putting their details and done.

That is completely a wrong idea, you should not take the CV preparation so lightly, if you do it this way then you will be out of the race in the very first round of selection that is CV shortlisting. Preparing a CV is a serious and important step in the journey of job hunting.

My advice is for serious candidates who are really looking for a job and need a job, take CV preparation seriously.

Important points for CV preparation

Below are the points that you should keep in your mind while preparing a CV.

  1. Choose a CV format rather than just a simple word format
  2. Name, Mobile number, email id, Linkedin profile
  3. Do research on the company that you are applying for
  4. Do research on the job profile you are applying for
  5. Go through job description (JD)
  6. List down your work experience from latest to first one
  7. Don’t put each and every detail of tasks you were doing in your past jobs (just a summary is enough)
  8. Just put your highest education details, don’t provide 10th, 12th, etc. unless it is asked.
  9. In your contact information, don’t forget to put your linkedin profile along with your mobile number and email id
  10. Don’t put your passport number in CV (it can be provided later on if required)
  11. Check if any further detail is required for a particular job

And, most important thing to keep in mind is to frame the above mentioned details at specific space of page so that it catches the recruiter’s attention and he/she does not reject it.

If you are a fresher and preparing your CV first time, then your CV will take a different shape and we can guide you for the same.

Whether you are a fresher you experienced and looking for a job, then your first step should be to get your quality CV prepared. We can guide you in preparing an eye catching CV so that you come out to be in those 10% candidates shortlisted for interview round.

Contact us at .